Gotowe dania
Usługi gastronomiczne

Makaron Lumaconi z ragu z soczewicy

Main dish



90 min

4 porcje


700 g CIRIO Passata Rustica

400 g CIRIO Lenticchie

1 marchewka

¼ cebuli

480 ml wody w temperaturze pokojowej


1 łodyga selera

½ pora

75 ml oliwy extra virgin

320 g pełnoziarnistego makaronu Lumaconi/gnocchi


  1. Heat the extra virgin oil in a frying pan.
  2. Add the diced leek, carrots and celery.
  3. Cook the Cirio lentils for a few minutes, keep stirring and add salt.
  4. Pour the extra virgin oil in a saucepan, and the finely chopped onion.
  5. Sauté and pour the Cirio Passata Rustica
  6. Stir and add salt.
  7. Allow to simmer gently for at least 1 hour leaving the lid ajar and adding water little by little.
  8. Add the lentils cooked earlier.
  9. Continue cooking over a slow heat for a few minutes, leaving the lid ajar.
  10. Cook the pasta, drain it and add the ragu sauce.
  11. Serve on a plate.
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